KITO MUNOZ genderfluid fashion
November 10, 2018
Fashion Designers Jivomir Domoustchiev
November 12, 2018









Planet Kinbaku the first mainstream movie dedicated to the art of Shibari. It is a “rope trip ” movie about the Art of Kinbaku from Paris to Spain,  from London to Tokyo. Kinbaku is a Japanese style of erotic bondage, having its origins from the ancient times and the war, kinbaku now runs through Japanese pop culture and has recently boomed in the West in its own forms by linking the great Japanese mastery immersed in tradition with the modern European art and culture.


“Le kinbaku est à l’origine une pratique guerrière destinée à neutraliser les prisonniers faits par les samurai, elle devint l’objet de pratiques amoureuses à partir du XVIIes.Alors que le mot Shibari désigne l’art de ficeler en général – Une ceinture de Kimono ou un paquet cadeau par exemple, le mot Kinbaku recèle en lui une dimension érotique.Au Japon, le Kinbaku est une forme d’amour ultime.De Paris à Tokyo, de Londres à Tarifa Planete Kinbaku est un tour d’horizon incarné, piquant et ludique autour du kinbaku qui est depuis les années 60 un leitmotiv incontournable de la culture pop japonaise et qui devient un must des nouvelles tendances en occident aujourd’hui !”







A film by Nathanaël Friloux co-written with Naïché Caudron and Pascal Grisoni
Directed by Nathanaël Friloux
Produced by Aline Dejewski, Nathaanël Friloux and Antoine Dumats
Dop Mathias Rozpendowski, Naiche Caudron
Production  Guindala Production – Spicee with the coproduction of THE Prod, CowProd and François Colin Production
Editing  Olivia Bernholc, Naïché Caudron, Erwan Thomas.
Duration : 73 min (uncensored version) or 58 min TV version
Distributor  Updide Distribution


Contributing artists:  Naka, Kinoko,  Marika Leila, Misungui, Dirty von P, CalamitySsteph, Maya Homerton, Eris Maksim, Sophia Mindus, Anna Bones , Fred Hatt, Ana Noctuelle, Kiki von D, Gestalta, Amaury Grisel, Franckie Vega, Boris Mostafir, Yho Kinbaku, Michel Rebelle, Alex Mino, Gabrielle and many more…




“PLANET KINBAKU”   Here are some teasers of the movie.

Full version is available to be purchased on:

Planet Kinbaku Club with over 10 hours of Shibari performances and extras:









Here is what Nathanaël Friloux , the producer and director of “Kinbaku Planet” , had to say to artPLAY about his experience of Kinbaku: 


I really wanted to write a girly movie! A movie about what it is like to be a girl in the bondage scene, a supposedly very much male-oriented world but where I discovered a pretty feminist world mostly ruled by girls where the idea of consent is primary!

In 2015 I was on the set of “Sex, Pain and Rock and Roll”, a series I produced for ARTE TV, and during the filming of the last episode I found myself in a fetish high mass: people were whipped, others hooked, spraying candle wax, it was a little scary. And in the middle of all that, there was a kimono girl, with a white painted face, that was being tied and she looked super soft and soothing. It seemed a caress in this world of bullies. And it attracted a lot of spectators. Unlike other practices, it was identifiable with a cultural background.

My idea ok Kinbaku is that it is an erotic practice coming from a huge cultural background, and that this discipline is adapted to our “moment” (époque). Kinbaku has in itself all the erotic, dreamlike elements that lead back to sexuality. We are in a period of economic crisis. Sexuality is free and it is a safe haven. Secondly: it’s easy to learn. You buy a rope, even La Redoute sells it. Third, there is the pretext of cultural background, people are reassured by saying that they do something not necessarily S&M, it comes from far away, is zen, silent, meticulous, slow. You’re forced to turn off your smartphone, to focus fully on a task. It corresponds to a search in terms of relaxation, personal development like yoga. And then there is the ultimate element: it facilitates meetings. Devotees gather, they are often vegans and super mobile. These are the new hippies. What is interesting to me is that Kinbaku is moving from dungeon to pop culture.





“Kinbaku is like a cocoon world : I surrender in a well-defined space. You find a reassuring little happiness in the face of a scary world” Nathanaël Friloux 






























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